Consejos para introducir un segundo idioma en casa 

¡Hello & hola! ¡En primer lugar, me presento! Soy Deborah Sigler, fundadora y directora de bambolango. En este artículo les voy a contar un poco más acerca de quién soy y qué hacemos en bambolango en nuestro día a día. Y también exploraremos juntos algunas ideas y consejos sobre cómo introducir o reforzar un segundo idioma con nuestros hijos desde una edad temprana. 

Teaching Your Bilingual Child To Read

One of the biggest issues comes when it is time for children to learn how to read. Many parents may wonder when to teach children how to read in which language, and whether to give up on one language while they focus on another. 

4 Ways to Get Your Child to Answer in The Target Language

Over and over, I see parents who are trying to raise bilingual children ask the same question: How can I get my child to answer me in the target language? It seems like parents all across the board, no matter what the target language is or where in the world they live, have the same problem! So, what can we do about it?

5 razones por las cuales tener hijos bilingües es genial

Sé que hay muchos artículos, blogs, videos e investigaciones que tienen que ver con los increíbles beneficios de ser bilingüe. ¡Me encanta leerlos! (e incluso escribo sobre el tema a menudo). Pero quería verlo desde un ángulo más personal y realmente pensar en cómo se ve el bilingüismo en la vida de mis hijas y por qué creo que es tan increíble.

The Biggest Challenges of Raising Bilingual Children

The Biggest Challenges of Raising Bilingual Children As a teacher and advocate for bilingual education, you’d think I’d have it all together when it comes to raising my children to speak both English and Spanish…

Increasing Buy-in: Raising Bilingual Children With A Monolingual Partner

Raising bilingual (or multilingual) children requires us to expose our children to many hours of a target language. We can do this through classes, games, apps, stories, but most importantly, through simply having conversations with them. However, do you ever feel like you’re being rude when you’re speaking a different language in front of people (especially friends or guests) who don’t understand it?

Jumping Into The Deep End With Your Bilingual Child

You’ve chosen to follow OPOL, MLAH or some combination of the two (for more about that, check out this blog post!), you’re consistent about using the language, you read books, sing songs, and even have games in the target language. But for some reason, you feel like everything just isn’t clicking together for your child? Do you at times wonder if there is anything else you can do?