You'll Be Amazed How Easy Learning Spanish is for Kids

If you are thinking about how hard learning Spanish is for kids, then don’t stress! A child’s brain is primed to learn. They are ready to learn about the world around them and believe it or not, their brains are wired to learn language from the time they are in the womb.   

Do you want your child to learn Spanish, because it’s part of their heritage?  Is there a large community of Spanish speakers in your area? Or do you simply think it will be useful to them in the future, since it’s the second most widely spoken language in the world? Whatever the reason, learning Spanish will have amazing benefits for your children. It will give them opportunities to learn new things like art, culture, history, and much more.  


Children are Sponges 

Children’s brains are wired to learn language. Studies have shown that infants recognize their mother’s language from the time of birth. They will not be confused by exposure to multiple languages and in fact, up to age 5, they can learn and process up to 5 languages!* 

Studies have also shown that as early as five months old, infants can distinguish between different sounds and pitch patterns—this means they have developed an ability to discern language, whether they’re able to articulate words or not! Children’s language skills continue developing rapidly until around age three, but even after a child loses his or her babbling voice and starts speaking fluently (after about age three), he or she will continue learning languages at what feels like an accelerated rate compared with adults. 



English and Spanish Share Similarities 

If you live in an English speaking world, then learning Spanish will be easier for your child, because English and Spanish share many commonalities. Both languages use the Latin Alphabet, and because they do have some common roots there are many cognates between the languages. That is to say, there are many words that have identical or similar spelling and they share the same meaning.  

When it comes to Spanish, what you see is what you get

Spanish is a phonological language. The words that you see written on the page sound exactly as they are read. There are no tricky phonological skills you must learn. Once you know the basic letter sounds, reading will readily come.  


Spanish is Everywhere 

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world! There are 471 million native Spanish speakers! Spanish speakers abound and the opportunities to communicate with other Spanish speakers are often found.  If you live in the U.S., then you probably have many Spanish speakers living in your community. This opens up many avenues including preschools, churches, restaurants, community centers and more where your child can learn and use the language.  

It’s not surprising that many parents are interested in teaching their children to speak Spanish since it is a useful skill regardless of what your child plans to do with his or her life. Many individuals in the U.S. speak both English and Spanish, which opens up opportunities for kids who can speak two languages. Mexico also is one of the Spanish-speaking countries which has been growing at astronomical rates, making learning Spanish for kids increasingly important. If you are looking to expand your horizons and teach your kids valuable skills, learning how to speak Spanish could be just what you need! 


Spanish Language Learning Tools for Kids Abound

Today, learning Spanish for kids of all ages has never been easier. Thanks to the tools tailored to make the whole process easier. Here we share just a few examples:  


There are various Spanish learning books available both in print and digital formats that cater to every age group and learning style. eBooks are perhaps one of the easiest ways for children to learn a language because they can be accessed on a variety of devices, ranging from smartphones and tablets to laptops. If a child has access to printed books, eBooks, comics, and audiobooks in Spanish, then they have a whole world open to them!  


Youtube has numerous learning channels on a variety of topics ranging from basic vocabulary to complex grammar. These can be especially helpful for visual learners. There are many areas you can find the best Youtube videos and one such area is the Spanish Safari Youtube Channel. This Youtube channel offers an easy interface that is perfect for kids learning their first words in Spanish. It also features advanced phrases, so students have plenty of material to work with.  


There are many apps for kids to learn a new language. Some are simple and can help children practice vocabulary words and get their feet wet with the language. Other’s are more in depth applications that can support parents and teachers as they teach their children Spanish.  

Spanish Safari by is the best example of such an in-depth app. Spanish Safari provides effective interactive tools that make learning fun as well as effortless – literally almost no effort at all! The app is narrative based, has many fun games and immediate feedback, and helps children learn in an intuitive way. To them, it feels like they’re just playing! But as we know, play is the business of childhood and that is where they learn best.   

learning Spanish for kids is easier than it is for adults. It will take consistency and effort, but any child, regardless of background, can learn Spanish. Don’t be intimidated and don’t delay! Get them started today!   

About the Author


Keli Garcia Allen is a certified Spanish teacher and currently works as a Preschool teacher in a bilingual classroom. She is the Head of Content for Learn Safari and is currently working on Spanish Safari,  a Spanish Learning game for children 3-9 years old. You can follow her and the rest of the team on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. 



The Spanish Safari App


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