How to Make Learning Spanish With An Online App Successful
Learning Spanish with an online app can seem like a daunting task. After all, learning a new language is hard work. It requires a lot of time, dedication and motivation. Taking a class for an hour or two every week will simply not be enough to learn. A child or adult will need many hours spent immersed in the target language. For this reason, it’s important to take advantage of all of the tools available when learning a second language, including apps.
When it comes to Spanish, the number of apps available is ever-increasing. With the growing popularity of online Spanish learning apps, it can be difficult to know which one will work best for you. Choosing the right one means paying attention to certain factors so that you don’t wind up wasting time and money with an app that isn’t meant for you in the first place. It’s also important to know how to make the most out of the apps you choose.
Who is Learning Spanish With an Online App?
Learning Spanish with an online app is possible for users of all ages and learning levels. Apps can give anyone access to resources that help them learn how to speak, write, and read in Spanish.
Many adults use Apps for learning-language. Duolingo, Busuu and Roseta Stone are probably the most well-known programs for adults. For children, however, there are many options ranging from light apps that teach a few vocabulary, to complete courses that parents and teachers can rely upon when teaching Spanish. Choosing the best app, however, can be a bit of a challenge.
Find the best App for your Goals
Learning Spanish with an online app can only be successful if you use a good quality app. Look for apps that are well-made, have a variety of activities, and a wide scope of teaching. When it comes to children’s apps, It’s also crucial that the app is colorful, fun and safe!
Here are a few tips on choosing the best apps for your kids!
For children 3-9 years old Spanish Safari is a great example of a well-made, extensive, fun and safe app. With hundreds of lessons and games, Spanish Safari uses relatable characters, a wonderful narrative and intuitive learning to help children learn, practice and love Spanish anytime and anywhere! The App provides lessons, videos and worksheets that will be sure to delight the users.
Tips for Success While Learning Spanish With An Online App
Learning Spanish with an online app is all about learning by doing. It is essential that you use your apps daily, or even multiple times per day, to see results. You might want to start slow and small at first—just a few minutes every day—and then build from there as your knowledge and confidence increase.
Take Advantage of Every Aspect of the App
If you are using a more robust app, make sure you take advantage of all that is has to offer! Especially if it’s a children’s app, make sure you take the time to explore and see all the different things it offers. Children, especially, will find something they like and not explore other areas. Therefore, it’s up to you to share all the things that are available to them.
Have Fun
Learning should be fun. That is why some people look forward to learning a new language, they get carried away and engage in a world of new discoveries. The beauty of getting educated is that it broadens your perspective, gives better opportunities, and makes us open to exploring other cultures and people.
Learning should be seen as pleasurable for your mind rather than an obligation or task. Therefore, make sure you are using an app that is fun and don’t make your time using it a chore! Play in a comfortable and bright setting, have snacks at the ready, and don’t force yourself to study for so long that it becomes dreadful. Especially for children! Have them invest 20 minutes a day in the app and then complement it with other tools!
Stress is not conducive to learning Spanish or anything else, so be sure to keep stress levels under control while learning Spanish with an online app. Remember that there are no rules when it comes to learning languages; if you find yourself getting frustrated with your progress, take a break and come back later when you’re feeling calmer and more focused. Learning a second (or third!) language is a marathon, not a sprint.
Get out there
Another thing to help make the Learning app effective is getting out there. Get out of your comfort zone and do something where you have to use your Spanish. It’s amazing how much easier and fun it is to learn when we are actually using it! Don’t let that time go to waste! Engage in conversations, take trips or even pick up someone online – language exchange partners are great!
In a nutshell, finding success in Learning Spanish with an online pp involves taking advantage of all that’s available to you, and using it to the best of your advantage. Language learning is the work of a lifetime and those benefits will last forever. When you pair the use of apps with other opportunities for learning Spanish, your journey will be unstoppable!
About the Author
Keli Garcia Allen is a certified Spanish teacher and currently works as a Preschool teacher in a bilingual classroom. She is the Head of Content for Learn Safari and is currently working on Spanish Safari, a Spanish Learning game for children 3-9 years old. You can follow her and the rest of the team on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
The Spanish Safari App