How To Make the Most out of Spanish Classes for Children

Spanish Classes are among the most popular extra curriculars for children. Afterall, there’s no denying that they can be immensely beneficial to everyone from young children to adults. But, if you’re investing time and money for your children to become bilingual, it’s important to learn how to make the most out of Spanish classes for children. Here are a few tips!

Find the Right Classes for Your Child

Choosing the right Spanish classes for your children is an essential first step. Whether you’re looking to introduce them to the language or help them build on what they already know, all students are different, so choosing a Spanish class based on their personality and experience level will ensure that they have a fun and rewarding time in each lesson—especially if there’s a natural connection between teacher and student!  

First, you must determine whether you want your child to have in-person classes or online classes. Honestly, this is really dependent on the options available to you and personal preference. If you have in person options available in your area, it’s a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of them! Take a tour, reach out for information and take advantage of any free trial class offers. It will be a great opportunity for your child to make friends, get out of the house and become immersed in a Spanish-speaking environment!  

Are there no options available to you locally? Or do you prefer to take advantage of instruction from the comfort of your own home? Then online classes are a great option! You can have individualized attention or group courses without having to even get out of your pajamas!  

Whichever method you choose, you don’t want to throw your child into an environment where he/she doesn’t feel comfortable, since it could result in frustration and stress for both parties. Make sure you do your due-diligence, interview teachers or simply use a free trial, and test it out. It might take a couple of tries before your child feels comfortable, but look for those connections and comfort.  

Use Technology to make Spanish Classes for Children More Effective

In order to make Spanish classes for children more effective, you can employ modern technology to make it easier and more fun than ever to learn.  

There are great apps that can help your child learn and practice the Spanish and re-inforce what they have learned in class. Spanish Safari, which is geared towards children 3-9 years old, will help children practice vocabulary in grammar in a fun and intuitive way. They will learn and use Spanish without feeling like it’s work!  

Don’t limit tech tools to just apps, however. Look for audiobooks in Spanish, find movies and shows on Netflix and even use Youtube to give more hours of authentic Spanish exposure for your children! The Spanish Safari Show, with lessons that follow right along the above-mentioned app, is a great example of high-quality Youtube content that will help your child reach their language-learning goals.  

Find Reasons for Your Child to use Spanish

IF you have found the right Spanish classes for your children, it’s important that you also find reasons for them to use what they have learned. Do you have friends or family members that speak the language? Create opportunities for them to communicate with them! You may also consider joining a playgroup in Spanish, finding a pen pal or traveling to a Spanish speaking country. Giving children chances to use the Spanish they have learned, exposing them to authentic language input, and helping them get over their fear or shyness when using the language will benefit them greatly.

Give Them Plenty of Praise and Support

The key is to praise your child and let them know you are proud of their efforts. Children love to hear praise and you should try to commend them every time they do something right. For example, if they give a good presentation on Spanish or correctly answer a question, then applaud them as much as possible. If they know that there’s someone who believes in their ability, then it will help boost their confidence and allow them to do better next time around. 


Spanish classes for children can be fostered quickly through practice. What you want to do is give them a chance to practice as much as possible. If you know Spanish, make sure you are constantly using the target language with them. If you aren’t fluent, learn alongside them! Ask them to teach you something new, repeat and practice with them often. It is great for their confidence and will give you something to bond over!

In short, Spanish classes for children are a smart investment that will pay dividends in many different ways. Learning a new language is fun and offers academic benefits, while also opening doors to travel opportunities and business connections.

About the Author

Keli Garcia Allen is a certified Spanish teacher and currently works as a Preschool teacher in a bilingual classroom. She is the Head of Content for Learn Safari and is currently working on Spanish Safari,  a Spanish Learning game for children 3-9 years old. You can follow her and the rest of the team on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. 


The Spanish Safari App


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