Community is important when raising bilingual children

Anyone raising bilingual children has felt overwhelmed (and maybe even inadequate) for the task of raising bilingual children. It’s hard work! Using all of the resources available to us, including any online children’s Spanish learning resources you have available, is the only way we can make it work. If you’ve read our blog post on the Importance of Community when Raising Bilingual Kids, then you are aware that community is one of the best resources available.

Learning a second language is not merely a cognitive activity, but it is a way to participate in a community and function as a member of it. It is about relationships between people, the activities in which they engage, and the resources (material and other wise) with which they engage. A community which speaks the target language and supports your multilingual journey is therefore invaluable. 

Online Spanish Learning Community

Unfortunately, depending on your geographical location and target language, you may not have a readily available community near you. But nothing is stopping you from reaching out and forming community online! The online children’s Spanish learning community is actually very robust. 

A great place for looking for community is Instagram. This is where I found our new friend Barbara, from Spanish4Kiddos! On this account you will find pictures and videos of the awesome projects she prepares and a ton of inspiration as you work with your bilingual children. 

The Spanish4Kiddos website is an online wealth of resources and bilingual content that can help both teachers and parents on their bilingual journey. Founder and owner Barbara Mascareno is an educator native to Argentina. She has created her platform in order to offer high-quality educational materials and information to support Spanish students. The materials and advice work for children just learning Spanish or even adults looking to refresh their skills and knowledge. 

Spanish4kiddos has a robust blog where she breaks down teaching techniques, and gives practical advice. She also describes activities to support language learning and interviews other members of the bilingual education community. If you need encouragement, tools, and/or motivation you will find it on this blog, therefore making it essential reading!

The Spanish4Kiddos shop has ready-made lessons and worksheets that anyone can use. The materials are well-researched and designed to be both educational and fun. They include dual-language text, a glossary in both English and Spanish, writing, printables, and fun games. 

How about you? Are you a part of an online community that helps you on your bilingual journey? How do you find online children’s Spanish learning resources? Who are some of your favorite people to follow? Let us know by commenting!

About the Author

Keli Garcia Allen is a Spanish teacher and currently works as a Preschool teacher in a bilingual classroom. She also Homeschools her 3 bilingual children. She is the Head of Content for Learn Safari and is currently working on Spanish Safari,  an app for learning Spanish for kids 3-9 years old. You can follow her and the rest of the team on FacebookInstagramPinterest and Twitter.

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